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The Creative Force in Brand Name Development

Brandsmith can help your company focus its image, elevate profits, and reduce legal hassles through selecting and improving your company's names, trademarks, and logos.


What’s in a Name? EVERYTHING!

Strong names, trademarks, and logos are valuable business assets – they assure recognition and boost sales and profits. By contrast, ill-conceived or inadequately researched identifiers muddy your image, or worse, invite a lawsuit.

Be Distinctive

Brandsmith can help you select distinctive names, marks, and logos that will set your company and its products apart and enhance buyer recognition. Brandsmith typically conducts surveys that evaluate customer reaction to existing or proposed names, marks, and logos. All your advertising and marketing efforts will be more cost- effective as a result.

Have you ever had a good bottle of wine that you wanted to buy again or recommend to a friend – but you couldn’t remember the name? That’s because most wine bottles have the same shape, size, and color. Many labels look alike and names are often similar. How well does your product or service distinguish itself from the crowd?

An Ounce of Trouble Prevention is Better Than Cure

Trust Brandsmith to search existing names, marks, and logos to avoid detonating a legal minefield. The U.S. Trademark Office alone has registered over six million trademarks – trademarks that you want to stay clear of. Gatorade launched a massive advertising campaign for its well-known beverage with the slogan “Gatorade is Thirst- Aid.” But … another company had already registered the name “Thirst-Aid”. They sued for trademark infringement. The trial court ordered Gatorade to pay damages of $24,730,000.

Be Keen to Foreign Cultures

At Brandsmith we assist in avoiding an identifier having negative connotations in foreign markets. We can investigate how a proposed identifier will fare in other countries. Chevrolet named one of its cars NOVA, but in Spanish, nova means “won’t go”. Not a very auspicious start for the Latin American markets. Protect your valuable identifiers from attack, you can rely on Brandsmith to coordinate your filings and maintenance of trademark registrations at the state, national, and international levels. We can arrange for a watch service to detect whether other companies have
started to use similar names, marks, or logos.



Why Brandsmith?

- Select distinctive names, marks, and logos that will enhance buyer recognition for your products and services
- Search existing names, marks, and logos to minimize conflicts
- Ensure that your identifiers possess favorable connotations in foreign cultures
- Protect your identifiers by coordinating registration
 at state, national, and international levels and by implementing a watch service to detect encroachment by similar identifiers

We Compliment Your Team

Brandsmith offers specialized services coordinated with your company’s business philosophy, public image, and product or service positioning. We are not a substitute for your in-house marketing department or your outside advertising agency. We contribute our expertise to specific aspects of your company’s business, and prefer to work hand-in-hand with your own people as part of one team with shared goals.


Because our services must be customized to your company’s particular needs, we will work with you to formulate a plan that is affordable while providing the most value for your budget.

Hire Brandsmith; Hire the Best

We have helped companies ranging from start-up ventures to Fortune 500 clients in creating and protecting names, trademarks, and logos around the world. Put our proven professions to work for you today!



Thanks for submitting!

For a preliminary analysis of your company’s identifiers or to help with your needs, please send us an e-mail or call us. We’ll respond within 24 hours.

211 West Jefferson Street, Suite 24

Syracuse, New York 13202

© 2022 Brandsmith International, Inc.

All Rights Reserved
Brandsmith ® is a registered trademark and "The Creative Force in Brand Name Development" is an unregistered trademark owned by Robert E. Purcell

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